Department Title: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Attending, Pediatric Residency Assistant Program Director, Ultrasound Fellow
Hospitals/Departments Where You Work: CMC Rainbow ED, St. John ED
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Undergraduate: Harvard University
Medical School: UICCOM, Chicago
Residency: Pediatric Residency and Chief Residency, MetroHealth
Additional Training: Pediatric Critical Care Medicine Fellowship - UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s; Simulation Instructor and Advanced Instructor Training at Harvard Center for Medical Simulation; Ultrasound Fellowship - UHCMC
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Medical Education, Ultrasound, Resuscitation & Simulation
Hobbies & Interests: Travel, Hockey – watching my son play and chauffeuring him to practices and games, reading and discussing books with my daughter, baking, and crocheting with the assistance of youtube (which does not judge me when I rewatch a video for the 10th time)
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Depending on what kind of day we are having - anything ultrasound; resuscitation and effective code team dynamics; or pediatric sedation and airway management
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Metroparks, local food scene
If you weren't doing emergency medicine, what would you be doing?: Cake Decorator
Department Title: Attending, Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Hospitals/Departments Where You Work: Rainbow Pediatric ED
Hometown: Cleveland, Ohio (South Euclid)
Undergraduate: Case Western Reserve University
Medical School: Case Western Reserve University
Residency: Pediatrics - Cincinnati Children's Hospital
Additional Training: PEM Fellowship - Akron Children's Hospital Rainbow
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Trauma, Simulation, Medical Education
Hobbies & Interests: Photography, Hiking with my dog
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Evaluation of the pediatric trauma patient
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Ethnic diversity, Lake Erie, great restaurants, Playhouse Square, Cleveland Orchestra
If you weren't doing emergency medicine, what would you be doing?: Working at a winery
Department Title: Attending Physician
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, UH Sports Medicine Clinic
Hometown: Worthington, OH
Undergraduate: The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH
Medical School: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, Erie, PA
Residency: Mount Sinai Medical Center, Miami Beach, FL
Further Training: Sports Medicine, Duke University, Durham, NC.
Research/Academic Areas of Interests: Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, Traumatic Brain Injury
Hobbies and Interests: Scuba diving, running, cycling
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Joint dislocation
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Sports teams
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Sports Medicine
Department Title: Attending Physician, Medical Toxicologist
Practice Locations: UH CMC ED, St. John ED
Hometown: Sun Prairie, WI
Undergraduate: University of Wisconsin - Madison
Medical School: University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
Residency: Medical College of Wisconsin
Additional Training: Medical Toxicology, Indiana University
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Acetaminophen poisoning, critical care of the poisoned patient
Hobbies and Interests: Cooking, baking, trying new restaurant, musical theatre, Wisconsin based sports teams
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Central lines and management of poisoned patients
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Museums, restaurants, access to professional sports
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing? Archeology
Department Title: Attending Physician
Hospitals/Departments Where You Work: Rainbow ED, UH St. John ED
Hometown: Springboro, OH
Undergraduate: Miami University
Medical School: Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine
Residency: Emergency Medicine - University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Additional Training: Pediatric Emergency Medicine- Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital
Hobbies & Interests: Reading, gardening, baking
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Nursemaid's elbow reduction
Favorite thing about Cleveland: The different neighborhoods and atmospheres all in the same city! It's easy to find a place to go that suits whatever mood I'm in.
If you weren't doing emergency medicine, what would you be doing?: Likely working in a microbiology lab
Department Title: Attending Physician, Ultrasound Division Co-Director
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Ahuja ED
Hometown: Nashville, TN
Undergraduate: Emory University
Medical School: Case Western Reserve University
Residency: University of Michigan
Additional Training: University of Michigan (Ultrasound Fellowship)
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Ultrasound
Hobbies and Interests: Swimming, cycling
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Anything ultrasound guided
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Metro parks
Department Title: Attending Physician, EMS Medical Director
Practice Locations: Ahuja ED
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Undergraduate: Case Western Reserve University
Medical School: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Residency: University of Rochester
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Tactical Medicine
Hobbies and Interests: golf
Favorite Procedure to Teach on Shift: Subclavian lines
Favorite Thing About Cleveland: Sports teams
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Life off my wife
Department Title: Medical Director for The Center for Patient Flow Management, Attending Physician
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED
Hometown: Chicago, IL
Undergraduate: Grinnell College
Medical School: Northwestern University School of Medicine
Residency: Northwestern University
Additional Training: Board certified in both Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine
Research/Academic Areas of Interests: NICOM, shock, evidence based emergency medicine, clinical risk management
Hobbies and Interests: Running, family, international travel
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Medical decision making in caring for the acutely ill or injured patient
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Everything except for January-March weather and our (mostly) frustrating sports teams
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: I really don't know!
Department Title: Pediatric Emergency Medicine/Pediatric Residency Associate Program Director
Practice Locations: CMC Rainbow ED, St. John ED
Hometown: Dublin, OH
Undergraduate: Miami University
Medical School: The Ohio State University College of Medicine
Residency: Pediatrics - Lurie Children's Hospital/Northwestern-McGaw
Additional Training: Pediatric Emergency Medicine Fellowship, Lurie Children's Hospital/Northwestern-McGaw
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Medical Education, Injury Prevention
Hobbies and Interests: Reading, Hiking, playing with my dog
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Infant Lumbar Punctures
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Metropark system
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Teaching or park ranger
Department Title: Research Director, Assistant Professor, Attending Physician
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Bedford ED
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
Undergraduate: Miami University
Medical School: Wright State University
Residency: University of Louisville
Additional Training: Research Fellowship - Medical College of Wisconsin
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: public health and health services
Hobbies and Interests: running, dancing, foodie, water-related activities
Favorite Procedure to Teach on Shift: how to incorporate public health into the ED encounter
Favorite Thing About Cleveland: water-related activities
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Open a cabana on the beach and blend margaritas/pina coladas
Department Title: Attending Physician, Assistant EMS Medical Director
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Ahuja ED
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Undergraduate: Boston College
Medical School: University of Cincinnati
Residency: Rutgers New Jersey Medical School, Newark, NJ
Additional Training: EMS, University of Cincinnati
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Prehospital Medicine, Disaster Medicine and Preparedness, Event Medicine, Medical Education
Hobbies and Interests: soccer, Cleveland sports, traveling, hiking, trivia
Favorite Procedure or Topic to Teach on Shift: Prehospital & Disaster Medicine, Airway
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Cleveland sports, food/beer, parks, Ohio City, Lake Erie
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Traveling the world and/or a veterinarian
Department Title: Attending Physician, Director of the Blair Dickey-White Sexual Assault Survivor Program
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Portage ED
Hometown: Youngstown, OH
Undergraduate: Kent State University
Medical School: NEOMED
Residency: UH Cleveland Case Western Reserve
Research/Academic Areas of Interests: Social Determinants of Health
Hobbies and Interests: Retail Therapy
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Cleveland Cavs Games
Department Title: Attending Physician, Fourth Year Clerkship Director, Medical Education and Academic Leadership Fellowship Co-Director
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Parma ED
Hometown: Portage, IN
Undergraduate: Purdue University
Medical School: University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine
Residency: University of Cincinnati
Additional Training: University of Chicago - Medical Education
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: medical education, trainee assessment, learner education handoffs
Hobbies and Interests: running, SCUBA diving, playing the piano, traveling
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: DKA management and central lines
Favorite thing about Cleveland: A new place to explore!
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Marine biologist or SCUBA instructor
Department Title: Attending Physician, Chief Medical Officer - Ahuja Medical Center
Practice Locations: Ahuja ED
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Undergraduate: University of Pennsylvania
Medical School: Weill Medical College of Cornell University
Residency: University of Illinois at Chicago
Further Training: Ultrasound Fellowship - MetroHealth Medical Center
Research/Academic Areas of Interests: Healthcare Quality and Safety and Process Improvement
Hobbies and Interests: Running, Peloton, SCUBA
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: US guided central lines
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Metroparks, food scene, culture
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Traveling the world
Department Title: Attending Physician, Residency Program Director
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Parma ED
Hometown: Battle Creek, Michigan
Undergraduate: University of Michigan (Go Blue!)
Medical School: University of Cincinnati
Residency: University of Cincinnati
Research/Academic Areas of Interests: Effective Educational Modalities, Quality Improvement, Imposterism. Peer Review, Morbidity & Mortality.
Hobbies and Interests: Reading (Harry Potter, a million times), traveling, keeping in touch with friends all over the world
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: NP scope, approach to the difficult airway
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Lake Erie (seriously!), Georgetown Lakewood
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: My back-up career is a professional nanny. Who doesn't want an MD as a nanny?
Department Title: Attending Physician
Practice Locations: Ahuja ED, Bedford ED, Richmond ED, UHCMC
Hometown: Windsor, CT
Undergraduate: Columbia University
Medical School: Brown Alpert Medical School
Residency: New York Presbyterian Columbia/Cornell
Additional Training: Internal Medicine/Pediatrics at UHCMC/Rainbow
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: POCUS, critical care, COVID-19
Hobbies and Interests: Travel, family time, going out with friends, yoga, live music, video games and true crime
Favorite Procedure to Teach on Shift: Ultrasound, approach to the sick patient
Favorite Thing About Cleveland: It has everything you could want in a city but is also very affordable and livable
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Med/peds hospitalist or something that involves traveling
Department Title: Pediatric ED Medical Director
Hospitals/Departments Where You Work: Rainbow ED
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Undergraduate: Damascus University
Medical School: Damascus University
Residency: Pediatrics - Metro Health Medical Center
Additional training: Two years PICU/NICU fellowship at Metro Health/Rainbow
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Bronchiolitis/Telehealth
Hobbies & Interests: Soccer
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Sedation
Favorite thing about Cleveland: The four seasons
If you weren't doing emergency medicine, what would you be doing?: I always dreamt of being truck driver as a kid
Department Title: Clinical Operations and Healthcare Administration Fellow
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Geauga ED
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Undergraduate: University of Michigan
Medical School: Case Western Reserve University
Residency: UHCMC
Research/Academic Areas of Interests: Operations/QA/Sim/EHR optimization
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Efficiency and Flow in the ED
Hobbies and Interests: Hiking, Camping, Skiing, SCUBA, Watching Michigan and Cleveland Sports
Favorite thing about Cleveland: The metroparks are great for hiking and running. The food scene is great, but also affordable. Tons of different breweries to try
If you weren't doing emergency medicine, what would you be doing? Being a pilot would be fun, but most likely something in computer science
Department Title: Attending Physician; Medical Director, University Hospitals Health System Operations and Logistics; Emergency Medicine Quality Network Director
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED
Hometown: Rochester, NY
Undergraduate: University of Buffalo
Medical School: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
Residency: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Hobbies and Interests: Kayaking, working-out, classic nintendo, spending time with my wife and two daughters
Research/Academic Interests: Medical operations and medical education.
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Airway
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Lead singer in a rock group
Random Fact: I am an Eagle Scout, I grew up in a family of all boys and now have two daughters... I'm just trying to keep my head above water. I also rotated here as a 4th year student, stayed for residency, and was invited to join as faculty! This group is my second family!
Department Title: Attending Physician, Ultrasound Faculty
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Portage ED
Hometown: East Brunswick, NJ
Undergraduate: Dartmouth
Medical School: CCOM - Midwestern University
Residency: UH Regionals Hospitals
Hobbies and Interests: Running, skiing, cycling, eating sweets
Favorite Procedure or Topic to Teach on Shift: Ultrasounding stuff!
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Metroparks and Towpath
Department Title: Sports Medicine Fellow, EM Attending Physician
Hospitals/Departments Where You Work: Ahuja ED
Hometown: Orchard Lake, MI
Undergraduate: Lawrence University
Medical School: Michigan State College of Osteopathic Medicine
Residency: Henry Ford Jackson Hospital
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Critical Care, Pain Management, Ultrasound, OMT, Concussion
Hobbies & Interests: Hockey, weight lifting, going on adventures with my Wife and dog Toby
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Procedure: Suboccipital Nerve Block -- Topic: Airway Management
Favorite thing about Cleveland: The food and the sports
If you weren't doing emergency medicine, what would you be doing? Sports med, otherwise, an enologist
Department Title: Attending Physician
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED
Hometown: Cedar Springs, MI
Undergraduate: University of Michigan
Medical School: University of Michigan
Residency: Metrohealth Medical Center
Research/Academic Areas of Interests: Critical Care
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Intubation
Hobbies and Interests: Running, hiking, snowboarding, spending time with my kids.
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Cleveland Metroparks
Department Title: Attending Physician, Assistant Residency Director
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED
Hometown: Naperville, Illinois
Undergraduate: Dartmouth College
Medical School: Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University
Residency: University Hospitals, Cleveland Medical Center
Research/Academic Areas of Interests: Medical education, Oral board preparation
Hobbies and Interests: Listening to music, drawing, spending time with family and friends, traveling
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Favorite procedure: Placing chest tubes, which earned me the nickname of "ninja" during residency.
Favorite thing about Cleveland: All the amazing restaurants, visiting the Cleveland Botanical Garden
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: I cannot imagine doing anything else! Emergency Medicine is the best specialty.
I am so proud and honored to work alongside such amazing and talented residents and colleagues.
Department Title: Attending Physician, Director of Prehospital and Disaster Medicine
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED
Hometown: Passaic, NJ
Undergraduate: Amherst College
Medical School: Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
Residency: Morristown Memorial Hospital, Morristown, NJ
Additional Training: EMS and Disaster Medicine, The George Washington University, Washington, DC; Master of Science with a Concentration in Crisis, Emergency, and Risk Management, The George Washington University School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Washington, DC
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Prehospital Medicine, Disaster Medicine, Event Medicine, Operational Medicine
Hobbies and Interests: Foodie, Gym, Movies, TV, Travel.
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: I like to teach how there are multiple approaches to a patient.
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Love the food scene here! And Playhouse Square has tons of good shows year round!
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Something that would involve traveling and exploring the world!
Department Title: Attending Physician, Medical Toxicologist
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Parma ED
Hometown: Chagrin Falls, OH
Undergraduate: UCLA
Medical School: University of Pittsburgh
Residency: University of Pittsburgh
Additional Training: Medical Toxicology, Addiction Medicine
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: substance use disorders, harm reduction, ethanol metabolism
Hobbies and Interests: gardening (poisonous plants), trying new foods and drinks (hopefully not poisonous), traveling
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: management of the poisoned patient, medication mechanism of action, how to *really* dose sedating medications
Favorite thing about Cleveland: you can’t walk more than 50 feet without finding a craft beer and a burger and everybody is wearing at least one thing that says “Cleveland” on it
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: mad scientist
Department Title: Director of Quality Assurance for CMC ED
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Geauga ED, Parma ED
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Undergraduate: Cleveland State University
Medical School: Northeast Ohio Medical University
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Process improvement, peer review, wellness
Hobbies and Interests: Travel, history, cooking and food, cars, fitness, reading
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: NP scope
Favorite thing about Cleveland: April-October
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: I'd be an Astronaut
Department Title: Clinical Operations/Administration Fellow
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Ahuja ED, Parma ED
Hometown: Broadview Heights, OH
Undergraduate: Ashland University
Medical School: University of Cincinnati
Residency: University of Cincinnati
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Patient Flow, Capacity Management, Sepsis
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Intubations
Hobbies and Interests: I am currently attempting to learn Spanish....it is taking some time. I love watching sports (all things Cleveland Sports), running and watching stand up comedy
Favorite thing about Cleveland: The ever-present underdog mentality and pride people from Cleveland take in their city
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing? Hmm...that's a tough one. I think I could see myself doing something in finance actually. Potentially a financial advisor.
Department Title: Assistant Residency Director, Ultrasound Education Director & Fellowship Director
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Ahuja ED
Hometown: Newport, KY/ Cincinnati, OH
Undergraduate: Centre College
Medical School: University of Kentucky College of Medicine
Residency: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Additional Training: Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship - UHCMC
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: point-of-care ultrasound, medical education
Hobbies and Interests: running, biking, hiking, essentially anything outdoors/adventurous, traveling, coffee, University of Kentucky basketball (Go CATS!), making art, cooking
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: POCUS diagnostics and procedural guidance (including regional anesthesia), impact of the social determinants of health in the ED
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Metro parks - great trail running!, Playhouse Square
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Ideally, traveling the world. More realistically, college cross country coach + graphic or interior design as my side hustle
Department Title: Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Anesthesia Critical Care
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, CTICU/SICU
Hometown: Rochester, New York
Undergraduate: University of Pittsburgh
Medical School: Tufts University School of Medicine
Residency: Northwestern
Further Training: Anesthesia Critical Care Fellowship, Michigan Medicine
Research/Academic Areas of Interests: ECMO, High Acuity Low Opportunity Procedures, Multidisciplinary Critical Care
Hobbies and Interests: Playing with my littles, Brunch, Pitt Athletics
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: How to get things done in a Resuscitation
Favorite thing about Cleveland: It's just easy to live here: low cost of living, great food/entertainment, metroparks
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Deep work in the morning, exercise in the afternoon, human connection in the evening
Department Title: Attending Physician, Assistant Residency Program Director, Medical Education & Academic Leadership Fellowship Co-Director
Practice Locations: UH CMC ED, Ahuja ED
Hometown: Bay City, Michigan
Undergraduate: The University of Michigan
Medical School: George Washington University
Residency: Boston Medical Center - Boston University
Additional Training: Medical Education Fellowship - The University of Chicago
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Diversity, equity, and inclusion in medical education, remediation, simulation
Hobbies and Interests: Hiking, day drinking, traveling, watching football
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Hip reductions and toxicology
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Amazing food! And Cuyahoga National Park
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: I'd be a character at Harry Potter World at Disney
Department Title: Attending Physician; Chief Medical Officer - UH Geauga Medical Center
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Geauga ED
Hometown: Euclid, OH
Undergraduate: John Carroll University
Medical School: Wright State University
Residency: Wright State University
Additional Training: Registered nurse, EMT-P
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: ED flow/operations. EMS.
Hobbies and Interests: Coffee, Taking walks, relaxing
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Planning for disposition. Ultrasound guided IVs
Favorite thing about Cleveland: The Cleveland pride!
Department Title: Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine, Attending Physician
Practice Locations: CMC ER, TSICU, Elyria MICU/SICU
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Undergraduate: Fordham University
Medical School: Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Residency: Lehigh Valley Health Network
Additional Training: Critical Care Medicine - University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Research/Academic Interests: Sepsis/Septic Shock, Post Intensive Care Syndrome, Post Cardiac Arrest Care
Hobbies and Interests: Bike riding, trying new restaurants and bars, outdoor patios in the summer
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Chest Tubes. Anything critical care related
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Metro parks, towpath bike trail, Lake Erie
If you weren't doing emergency medicine, what would you be doing?: Tiki bar owner in the Caribbean
Department Title: Emergency Department Chair & Physician-in-Chief, Immediate Past Ultrasound Director
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED
Hometown: Boston, MA
Undergraduate: Princeton University
Medical School: University of Pennsylvania Medical School
Residency: Harvard Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency
Further Training: Ultrasound Fellowship - St. Lukes-Roosevelt Hospital, NYC
Research/Academic Areas of Interests: Point of care ultrasound, global emergency medicine, imaging efficacy, social justice advocacy in emergency medicine
Hobbies and Interests: My nephews, my boat, traveling.
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Ultrasound diagnostics!
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Lebron might actually be a higher order of human, and we have the second best orchestra on the planet!
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Teaching - I love the energy of students
Additional wisdom: Living in academic medicine = career longevity as it is constantly renewing and challenging you!
Department Title: Medical Director - CMC, Attending Physician
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED
Hometown: Northampton, PA
Undergraduate: La Salle University
Medical School: Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University
Residency: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center/CWRU
Academic Interests: Social Determinants of Health, Access to care/medications
Hobbies and Interests: Hiking, travelling, cooking, my dog
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Doing sensitive exams/procedures well.
Favorite thing about Cleveland: The Metroparks!
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Meteorology.
Department Title: Attending Physician
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Portage ED, Bedford ED
Hometown: Athens, TN
Undergraduate: Maryville College
Medical School: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
Residency: UH Regional Hospitals
Hobbies and Interests: Golf, Travel
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Weather! No, really, I love the seasons...
Department Title: Attending Physician, Medical Toxicologist
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Ahuja ED
Hometown: Canton, OH
Undergraduate: The Ohio State University (Go Bucks!)
Medical School: Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine
Residency: Lehigh Valley Health Network
Additional Training: Medical Toxicology at University of Arizona College of Medicine Phoenix
Research and Academic Interests: Med tox, withdrawal syndromes, socioeconomic boundaries to healthcare
Hobbies and Interests: True crime, Harry Potter, podcasts, breweries
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Management and resuscitation of withdrawal patients
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Cleveland sports, checking out new breweries and restaurants
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Either going to law school or running a dog rescue
Department Title: Medical Education and Academic Leadership Fellow
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Parma ED
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Undergraduate: Indiana University
Medical School: Des Moines University
Hobbies and Interests: Playing with my puppy, running, Indiana Hoosiers basketball, puzzles and board games
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Opening my own coffee and gelato shop
Random Fact: My goldendoodle puppy, Watson, was named after Dr. Watson from Sherlock Holmes. We like to think if he could speak he would have an English accent.
Department Title: PEM Fellowship Director, Associate Division Chief for Pediatric EM, Director of Fellowship Education for Department of Pediatrics, Associate Professor
Practice Locations: UH-Rainbow Babies & Children's Peds ED
Hometown: Limestone, TN
Undergraduate: East Tennessee State University
Medical School: University of Tennessee College of Medicine
Residency: Pediatrics--Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital
Additional Training: Pediatric EM Fellowship--UH/Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: medical education, health disparities, addressing social determinants of health
Hobbies and Interests: running, cycling, travel, spending time with family
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: communication skills, managing pediatric respiratory emergencies
Favorite thing about Cleveland: beautiful Metroparks system, Cleveland orchestra, Playhouse Square
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: running a coffee/bicycle rental shop in Hawaii!
Department Title: Attending Physician, Medical Toxicologist
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Portage ED
Hometown: Cincinnati, OH
Undergraduate: Miami University
Medical School: University of Toledo
Residency: University of Rochester
Additional Training: Medical Toxicology at Indiana University
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Medical toxicology, envenomations, drugs of abuse
Hobbies and Interests: Running, cooking, and adventuring outdoors
Favorite Procedure to Teach on Shift: Ultrasound guided IVs and toxidromes
Favorite Thing About Cleveland: Good food, better beer and extremely nice people
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: I'd be a park ranger
Department Title: Attending Physician
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Portage ED
Hometown: Amherst, OH
Undergraduate: University of Akron
Medical School: Northeast Ohio Medical University
Residency: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Research Interests: Peer review, clinical practice guidelines
Hobbies and Interests: All things Cleveland sports, Mixology, Cooking, Golfing
Favorite topic or procedure to teach on shift: Topic - Lactate. Procedure - Intubation
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Great food, great scene, great atmosphere
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Bartender
Department Title: Medical Education Fellow
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Ahuja ED
Hometown: Youngstown, OH
Undergraduate: Washington and Jefferson College
Medical School: Ohio State University
Residency: MetroHealth/Cleveland Clinic
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Medical education
Hobbies and Interests: Soccer, working out, trying to be better than a below average golfer, hanging out with my wife and dog
Favorite Procedure to Teach on Shift: Anything that comes up!
Favorite Thing About Cleveland: The food
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing? Probably teaching but also sports blogger on the side
Department Title: Attending Physician, EMS Faculty, EMS Medical Director
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Elyria ED
Hometown: Solon, OH
Undergraduate: Miami University
Medical School: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Residency: University of Pittsburgh Affiliated Emergency Medicine Residency
Additional Training: EMS Fellowship - University of Pittsburgh
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Prehospital Medicine, Mobile Integrated Health, EMS Operations, Medical Education
Hobbies and Interests: Skiing, CrossFit, video games, board games, soccer, tennis
Favorite Procedure to Teach on Shift: Acid/base disorders
Favorite Thing About Cleveland: The many Cleveland Metroparks hiking trails and Lake Erie beaches
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Professional ski bum
Department Title: Attending Physician, Third Year Clerkship Director
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, St. John ED
Hometown: Cleveland, OH
Undergraduate: University of Dayton
Medical School: University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Residency: University of Michigan
Additional Training: Medical Education Fellowship - Washington University in St. Louis
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: Medical education, specifically transitions in medical education, individualized learning, lecture design, and feedback
Hobbies and Interests: Reading fiction, breweries, running, watching the Browns, eating Chipotle, hanging out with my dog Sammy
Favorite Procedure to Teach on Shift: Resuscitation communication/leadership and approach to lactic acidosis
Favorite Thing About Cleveland: Everything. But especially Lakewood Park and anything on Lake Erie, and all the breweries
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing? Realistically, high school chemistry teacher. Unrealistically, owning a combo bookstore brewery
Department Title: Attending Physician
Practice Locations: Ahuja ED
Hometown: Willowick, OH
Undergraduate: Lake Erie College
Medical School: Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Residency: Mt. Sinai, Cleveland, OH
Additional Training: EMS Medical Direction Boarded
Research/Academic Areas of Interest: EMS education
Hobbies and Interests: Boating, fishing
Favorite Procedure to Teach on Shift: Capnography
Favorite Thing About Cleveland: Zoo, Playhouse Square, Restaurants, Lake Erie
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Paramedics and playing with our grandkids
Department Title: Attending Physician
Practice Location: UHCMC ED
Hometown: Baltimore
Undergraduate: University of Maryland, Baltimore County
Medical School: University of Maryland
Residency: University of Maryland
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Family activities
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Baking cookies or flying aircraft off a carrier.
Department Title: Attending Physician
Practice Locations: UHCMC ED, Geauga ED
Hometown: Randolph, OH
Undergraduate: University of Akron
Medical School: University of Toledo
Residency: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Research Interests: Palliative Care
Hobbies and Interests: Hiking mountains, Skiing, Good food, Disney sing along
Favorite thing about Cleveland: Indians, Feast of Assumption, Patterson’s Farm
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Engineering/ Chef
Department Title: Attending Physician, Chief for the Division of International Emergency Medicine, Global Emergency Medicine Training Fellowship Director
Practice Location: UHCMC ED
Hometown: Howell, Michigan
Undergraduate: University of Michigan
Medical School: A.T. Still University of Health Sciences, Kirksville, Missouri
Residency: University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center (Emergency Medicine)
Further Training: St. Joseph Mercy Hospitals (Internal Medicine), University of Michigan (Infectious Diseases Fellowship), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (DTMH)
Research and Academic Areas of Interests: Health in displaced populations, HIV, Emerging Infectious Diseases, Antibiotic Resistance
Hobbies and Interests: Family, camping, landscaping, oenology
Favorite procedure or topic to teach on shift: Rational antibiotic use
Favorite thing about Cleveland: The people
If you weren’t doing Emergency Medicine, what would you be doing?: Likely working for an international health NGO
Where Our Faculty Trained