Rotate With Us!
Thank you for your interest in rotating at UHCMC!
Please contact our coordinator Dyann Whaley ( for more information.
How to Apply
CWRU Students: match or apply through cSRS. Please contact Dyann Whaley with questions.
All other students: find us & apply on VSLO!
*We do not accept students from International Medical Schools for our rotations.
We also offer the following EM electives: EMS, Point-of-Care Ultrasound, Resuscitation, & Medical Toxicology.
See CWRU Course Catalog for more info! Subspecialty SLOEs are available. Please contact Marie Hoyle for this as well.
Additionally, UH offers the David Satcher Clerkship for Underrepresented Minority Students. See their webpage to learn more about the clerkship, application information, and requirements.
Emergency Department Contact
Marie Hoyle
Medical Student Coordinator
Department of Emergency Medicine
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Tel: 216-844-7705