To ring in our new year we wanted to spotlight another one of our former medical student rotators, Aubrey Strickland, who highlights the importance of using MAT in pregnancy. Remember narcan for everyone and to always call the poison center!
To get our medical student series started we want to introduce Student Doctor Janine Corley. She was inspired by our summer months in Cleveland and wanted to give a solid warning about eating shellfish. Enjoy this edition of Tox in the Land about Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning.
Lauren Porter DO, Ryan Marino MD, Bryan Ross MD, Marielle Brenner MD
Welcome back to Tox in the Land!
After a short recess it’s time to get back at it. Since we are knee deep into interview season, there is no better time to put a spot light on our former chief resident and medical education fellow, Matthew Mullins, MD. He is here to guide you through the classic topic of iron toxicity and its management. Don’t worry, we will be back quickly to feature some of our medical student rotators as well!
Lauren Porter DO, Ryan Marino MD, Bryan Ross MD and Marielle Brenner, MD
Holidays are a time for fun with the family, holiday traditions and snacks. Here is a blog from our PGY 1, Dr. Gabe Alagna, explaining why enjoying whipped cream from the can may not be the best option.
Summer has made our hearts sing! But that means it’s time to review some action potentials. This month’s blog is brought to you by now MD/PhD Dr. Sweet, a budding cardiologist in the making who rotated with us this past spring while still a student. Enjoy and call the Poison Center!
As of this year, providers with a DEA license can now prescribe buprenorphine as a treatment for opioid use disorder. Check out this great graphic by Dr. Shauna Combs for further clarification!
As the weather warms up, the tides change and that means it’s time for some shellfish! This blog is brought to you by Student Doctor Sun, an upcoming resident who will take you through some amnestic shellfish poisoning. Enjoy and remember to call your poison center!
Spring is here! This means foraging will be back in style! Our R3 Dr. Haley Wartman brings a quick review of common mushroom exposures and their management. Remember 6 hour rule, supportive treatment and calling your poison center!
Welcome back to Tox in the Land. The new year is a time for reflection, so why not reflect on some historical poisons/toxins. This month is brought to you by Dr. Nate Williams, DO of UH St. John’s EM residency. Enjoy and remember to call your poison center!
Here is our most recent edition of Tox in The Land. Here’s one of our PGY3s, Dr. Anna Williams, will remind us of the early days of COVID. Ivermectin was all the rage for all of the wrong reasons. We hope you enjoy and remember to call your poison center!
September is here and has brought pumpkin spiced lattes, fall foliage, and time to review our #HotGirlSummer that wasn’t. Unfortunately, Roe v. Wade was overturned and it has put our pregnant patients in a bind. This lack of safe access to medical care can lead to people taking drastic measures, including herbal remedies for abortion. Our Case Western Reserve University MS4, Victoria Adomshick has brought you an amazing review of common abortifacients and their toxicities. Enjoy and please remember to vote and call your poison center!
Welcome back to Tox in the Land! This month’s edition is brought to you by one of our 3rd year residents, Dr. Ems. He is giving us a little bit of a throw back and reviewing the Chicago Tylenol Case. Cyanide is an important board review topic and is a diagnosis that needs to always be on our differential. Remember to always call your poison center!
Welcome to the new year! We start this year off with a classic… TCA toxicity that is brought to you by one of our 3rd years, Dr. Wes Gallaher. TCA’s are some dirty drugs with a lot of different clinical effects.
High yield points for the management:
1. Evaluate hemodynamics
2. Obtain an EKG at the beginning and 6 hours after ingestion
3. Watch those intervals!
4. When in doubt: Benzos for seizures and Sodium Bicarbonate for a wide QRS
Remember to always call your friendly poison center!
Welcome back to Tox in the Land for the last edition of this academic year. Here, Dr. Ray Jabola, one of our graduating third years brings you a high yield review of warfare agents. With the rise of monkeypox it is a good time to review rashes. Thanks for reading and remember to call the Poison Center!
Welcome back to Tox in The Land, where Toxicology and Cleveland join forces for good. This month’s post is from Dr. Julieta Lacey, one of our former ED residents and current critical care fellows. She will discuss cardiac glycosides and their management. Thanks for coming along and remember to call your poison center!
Here’s our next installment of Tox in The Land! It’s brought to you by Dr. Dani Rao, one of our rising chief residents. She will review CO poisoning and its management. With the weather changing, it’s a good time to review this topic as CO is not only seen in the winter. The biggest takeaway is to always have it on your differential, give everyone oxygen, and evaluate the patient for concomitant injuries. Always remember, when in doubt, call your local Poison Control Center for questions and concerns!
Our next post for Tox in the Land comes from Dr. Emily Craft. She is one of our chief residents and our future Medical Education Fellow. She has a strong passion for DEI work, toxicology and education. Her topic of choice was toxicologic causes of acute liver failure. The differential for acute liver failure is long and complex and Dr. Craft reminds us why the social history is key! Enjoy and remember to always call your local Poison Center!
Welcome to Tox in the Land, our medical toxicology education series brought to you by our residents, fellows and students. This first edition is from one of our interns, Dr. Kalee Royster. Sit back and enjoy!
Lauren Porter, DO Ryan Marino, MD Bryan Ross, MD